martes, 7 de julio de 2009

False Idols fall shaun is back

shaun palmer , a true living legend,
do I have to say something else?

Shaun Palmer Returns to Downhill from Litter Mag on Vimeo.

"About 10 days ago, Shaun Palmer was at SolVista testing an Evil Revolt and Santa Cruz V10 for his return to downhill racing. His plan is to grace us with his shredding presence at the U.S. National Champs, July 16-19, and figure out where he stands in a game that has dramatically changed since he last played. He’s gunning for the 2010 Olympics in boardercross, so why come back to mountain biking?

For the record, Palmer did not know I was coming to film him. He thought he would have a quiet couple of days to figure things out and was actually bummed that I was there, in his face, with a camera. When I learned that, I felt apologetic, but those feelings didn’t last too long. I would not go back and change the circumstances. He was there to test bikes, not get interrogated, but he’s Shaun Palmer and my best friends run the mountain where he was testing. The resulting photos and video are honest and candid.

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